18 Ağustos 2011 Perşembe


Welcome my friends, welcome to 21st century! The age of information. Yes that is what they call 21st Century; the age of information.

That is true. Let’s have a quick thinking. All the important inventions have been made in 20th century. Television, computers, cars, mobile phones. And sending man to space..

In 21st century there is no real inventions, just doing better of what they had before already. Better television, better computers and better cars, better telephones and sending man to further spots in space..

All present in 20th century, nothing new in deed, just better. Except FACEBOOK. That is new and yes we can call it the greatest invention of 21st century!

They say internet is bad, internet is evil.. It makes you antisocial and alone, right? Bullshit man!

Let’s take a quick flash back in time and go to 1990. Here is our friend Ali, at the age of 7, talking to his friends, “Boys I’m LIKE actual friends with my parents”.

We are back at 2011 and here is our friend Berke, also at the age of 7.. He is not LIKE friends with his parents, he is actually friends with his mother and father on facebook and he LIKEs their status.

Why are we on facebook all day my friends? To meet beautiful woman of course. Gentlemen don’t lie to yourselves! We are there to meet hot chicks… Ugly men are there to meet beautiful women and ugly women are there to meet handsome men. There is one slight flaw in this plan. Beautiful women and handsome men are having sex some place else at that time. So ugly men and women keep disliking each other on Facebook...

Sorry that is a fact! Beautiful women don’t care about ugly men. Ugly men, they think they may have a chance but sorry boys, that won’t happen. No need to keep your spirits up…

Let’s check past examples. Here is our beautiful lady friend Pelin and here is our miserable friend Kadri; Pelin accepted friend request of Kadri due to a common friend in the name of being kind. Looked at his profile and pictures once for a short while after accepting, never came back again. On the other hand, Kadri keeps checking Pelin’s profile and pictures on a regular basis. Leaving couple of LIKEs here are there.

Kadri, Selahattin, Berke, Işıl, and 29 others LIKE this.

Next day:
Kadri, Selahattin, İpek, Günce, and 12 others LIKE this.

The other day:
Kadri, Selahattin, Çağrı, Selin and 32 others LIKE this

And let’s see Kadri’s wall:

Kadri, Selahattin, Abdurrahman and 5 other men LIKE this.

The other day:
Kadri, Selahattin, Abdurrahman and 7 other men LIKE this

Next day:
Kadri, Selahattin, Abdurrahman and 3 other men LIKE this.

You see!

Not getting LIKEs from beautiful women is not enough; we have these instant, man LIKErs.

Kadri: Job interview today. Very excited!
Selahattin LIKE this.

Kadri: Having a cup of tea.
Selahattin LIKE this.

Kadri: My father died today. I’ll miss you dad!
Selahattin LIKE this.

Yes, they are Man and they LIKE anything you write no matter what. so they’re probably GAY and they LIKE you. 

It is frustrating. You dream of yourself surrounded by beautiful women, but these men, they are the fence between you and  beautiful women. It's like going out as a group of men. You dream of meeting chicks even trading those men with a beautiful women and going back home with her. If you are a group of men, don't bother going to a regular bar, just head into the nearest gay bar. So that is the same situation on online.

If you can not confront deleting those good real friends from your FACEBOOK friends lists’, then you can consider freezing your facebook ACCOUNT.

Speaking of which; why is it an account? Do we deposit Money in it? Does it give out interest? And would it work better if we hire an accountant?

-         Sir; you had 15 status updates today and 21 comments on others' status updates. You got 9 LIKEs. I guess this foundation is going down to bankruptcy!

-         You can leave John. I’ll work late. I’ll try to get couple more LIKEs. I’ll get us out of this hell hole son. Wish me luck. I’ll POKE you if i need you.

You want to impress beautiful women, you can not do that with some travel pictures posted on your profile or cracking a few jokes here and there is not enough.. Forget it man..

I’ll tell you where else i have an account that I login.. Internet banking.. I do bank transfers online, check credit card charges and all.. However to be honest that is not that fun at all. And the other day my bank has sent out that info newsletter telling how their internet branch won rewards and how they are the best. My ass.

I’ll call them tomorrow and tell them about my great idea! If they do what i suggest, they'll get people to live in their internet branch all day..

Think of an internet banking account where you can add beautiful women on your account profile so they can see your account and actions.

Just think;

Enis deposit 500.000 TL to his bank account.
Pelin, İpek, Ayşe, Gül, 92 other women and SELAHATTİN LIKEd this.

Thank you and good night.

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